- What does LGBTQ+ stand for? LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer <Questioning>, + <encompasses all other gender, sexual orientation, and identity expressions of our community>. Our scholarship is only available to those that openly identify as LGBTQ+ specifically.
- Is your scholarship only available to graduating high school seniors? Yes, the student must be a graduating high school senior who is entering an institution of higher learning the same year of graduation. However, please feel free to visit our Resources Page to assist you with additional scholarship opportunities: Student Resources
- Is the scholarship available to overseas applicants? Not at this time. The student must be a US citizen or legal resident. For a full list of qualifications please check out our website here: Scholarship Qualifications
- If I submit a letter of recommendation can the applicant see it?: As a recommender, your letter should be uploaded directly by you (we will email you a link), the student will not see it. The applicant receives a notification the document has been added only.
- When I hit the submit button should I expect something?: As an applicant you can return to edit your application as often as you like UNTIL YOU SUBMIT. After you submit you will no longer be able to edit the application.
- Financial Assistance Question?: As the question states, please only provide the basic cost of tuition. Do not include books, labs, fees, boarding etc.
- Are there any application extensions or exceptions? No, once the scholarship application closes, the system discards any incomplete applications and routes the completed ones to the review board. There is no manual process available.
- Can I mail you backup documentation like my transcript or recommendation letters?: No, all documents, except the letters of recommendation, need to be added / uploaded to the application before you submit.
- Can I upload multiple documents to the application?: Each document request (i.e. question) only allows one file upload. If your documentation is in multiple files (i.e. transcript is in attachments) you will need to combine them into one file in order to upload to your application for that question / request.
- Is the scholarship paid to the awardee? No, the scholarship funds are made payable directly to the institution of higher learning on behalf of the awardee.
- When can I apply and when are the awards given? The scholarship period opens in January to April of each year with awardees and disbursements made in the summer of that year.
- Will I hear from the LEAGUE Foundation on the status of my application? Those selected for an award will be contacted directly. Once all awardees are contacted, a press release on this website and on Facebook will be published. Those applicants not selected are not contacted directly.
- Is the LEAGUE Foundation looking for paid services (i.e. Web or Marketing etc.)? Not at this time: as a philanthropic organization with no paid staff, we do not have a conventional operating budget in order to maximize the scholarship awards given. However, if you are willing to volunteer your services or skills please email us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with your proposal for our board's evaluation.
- If awarded, can my scholarship be deferred? No, the intent of the scholarship program is to aid students to get from High School to their freshman or initial year of school to an institution of higher learning.